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Call a Comrade: DSA 100K Recruitment Drive - POSTPONED
mié 28 oct
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We are in the midst of a recruitment drive to get to 100,000 members by 2021. So
far, our organization has recruited almost 5000 new members, but we still have a
long ways to go before we get to 100K. Not only that, but we want to recruit
people with intentionality - we want to grow to a mass multiracial, working
class organization. Want to help? During this phonebank, we'll be calling our
whole membership and asking them to take the 100K pledge to recruit 3 new
members to DSA. Everyone is welcome to join! With just a few volunteers, we
could call our whole membership in no time.
Register for the phonebank here
*We are postponing this phonebank due to the storm! Stay safe everybody!*