Saturday, November 16th, 2019

Gimme a Brake (Light)!-

Each month, we replace brake lights for free for anyone who needs them in an attempt to reduce unnecessary police interactions. We also teach anyone who'd like to learn how to change brake lights, so stop by even if you don't have a car! We'll have cold drinks and snacks. This month's clinic will start with some food to get us fueled up and a volunteer training from 11am-12:30pm at WHIV Radio Station 2762 Orleans Ave. We will then head over to the triangle park at the intersection of N. Dorgenois and Bayou Road where we'll change brake lights from 1-4pm. No experience necessary!


What will life be like with Medicare for All? Join the New Orleans DSA's Health Care for All Committee for our event Healthtopia, an interactive experience highlighting the failures of our current health care system and how Medicare for All is the only solution to free America of the shackles of health injustice. Help bring to life a socialist utopia (that is totally possible) where hundreds of millions of Americans and undocumented peoples are covered by a comprehensive public care system and are guaranteed the care needed to live free, full, and healthy lives. Let’s show our communities that a better world is possible!