Tuesday the 10th
Mar 9
Mar 11

Tuesday, March 10th, 2020

DSA for Bernie Canvass-

Knocking doors for Bernie Sanders in Hollygrove! Meet near Joliet & Olive. No experience necessary, we will start with a short training.

Organizer School: Democracy and Power-

In the past few years, DSA has seen explosive growth, but it is still far short of being a mass organization. Whether you have been involved in movement politics for years or are just getting started, the first step is to understand how we need to coordinate en masse to have collective power. Many of us have very little experience with unions and other democratic organizations.

Join us and we will discuss models of democracy, and how our organizing priorities flow from our power analysis and organizing model. All are welcome to join a dynamic discussion of how to transform our politics.

For more info email hello@dsaneworleans.org