Saturday the 30th
May 29
May 31

Saturday, May 30th, 2020

Nomination Deadline for Local Council Elections-

Each year at our Annual Chapter Convention, New Orleans DSA elects a new round of officers to the Local Council, the highest leadership body in the chapter. The Local Council works to help set, maintain, and carry out the principles, policies, and strategies enumerated within our chapter's bylaws and by our chapter's General Membership, and helps manage the chapter's day-to-day affairs between General Meetings.

This year's Local Council Elections will be held at the end of June (exact date/period TBA). All dues-paying members in good standing are eligible to vote in this election and may nominate any other member(s) to any of the following eight seats*:
  • Chapter Co-Chairs (2) 
  • Membership Chair (1)
  • Secretary (1)
  • Treasurer (1)
  • Treasurer Trustee (1)
  • At-Large Members (2)
To nominate members to the Local Council, please submit your nominations to hello@dsaneworleans.org with the subject line "Officer Nomination(s)" by the end of the day on Saturday, May 30. To learn more about this election, please see the original Call for Nominations and accompanying Chapter Officer Descriptions.

*No one may nominate themselves. At least one co-chair and one at-large member must not identify as white, cisgender, and male.  

Special Meeting - Bylaws Amendments-

At this meeting we will be considering a handful of proposed amendments to the Chapter Bylaws that will affect our upcoming election and Convention. You can read all the details here. There will also be information about the election and Robert's Rules of Order, which we use for debate. 

Remember, you must be a member in good standing (up to date on National dues) in order to vote. You can join DSA here.

Register for​ this meetin​g here!