
Tuesday, November 17th, 2020

Pick Up a Yard Sign to Save Our NOLA Libraries! -

Want to show your support for the New Orleans Public Library system and remind your neighbors to Vote NO on #2? We've got yard signs for ya! Come by and pick up a yard sign in the parking lot of Parish Hall (2533 Columbus Ave) anytime between 3 PM and 5 PM on Wednesday. Wear a mask and be prepared to observe all social distancing precautions to minimize any contact during the pick-up!

Phonebank to Save the Libraries! -

On December 5th, we will vote on a millage that could cut funding to the libraries by 40%. Library workers will almost certainly face layoffs if this millage passes. Help us call voters in New Orleans and ask them to save the libraries! Join this virtual phonebank to make calls to voters with friends, or if you'd rather phonebank on your own time, you can use this remote phonebank link anytime between 8:30 AM and 8:30 PM to call voters (with a built in script!). 

Register for​ the virtual​ phonebank h​ere.