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Second Line Crowd Canvass for Green for Ag: Young Men Olympians Anniversary Sun Sep 8 10p-midnight Lasalle & 3rd

We're crowd canvassing the Second Line for Margee Green [https://www.greenforagriculture.com/], who is running for Agriculture & Forestry Commissioner. We'll meet at 5 PM at LaSalle & Third Avenue to hand out flyers and sign up volunteers. No experience needed!  Fill out our volunteer form to get involved with the Margee Green campaign here [https://forms.gle/NxuRnVi4ujt3jPkG9].  Note: The time of this event was changed from 1 PM to 5 PM. 


Second Line Crowd Canvass for Green for Ag: Young Men Olympians Anniversary
Sun Sep 8 
Lasalle & 3rd